03 Sep What happened so far... Part III
What happened so far...

After a very relaxing break in July, things really took off in August and we would like to give you an update on the last weeks.
We're bursting with the latest news: we are in advanced negotiations to acquire a very suitable space for our home for birth and health. It all feels like a final push, and at the same time, the work is really just getting started. As soon as everything is "in the bag" you will of course find out where our house is and when the opening will be celebrated.
On top of our list for the next weeks is the start of our crowd funding. Fortunately, we have already done some preliminary planning, so hopefully you will find out more about it here very soon...
In the meantime, our association "Neues Geburtshaus für Hamburg" is researching which grants and funds we can apply for. By the way, we are currently in the process of revising our association webseite and look forward to seeing you there. Perhaps you will then also like to become a member of the association, which would of course make us very happy.
The next months will certainly be very lively. Especially because, besides the organizational work, we have now really got down to practical work and are accompanying our first GuG births at home. The practical work in the GuG team is very fulfilling and reinforces the fact that our philosophy and our mission statement are not theoretical constructs, but are also lived in practice.

Despite (or perhaps because of?) conflicts and challenges that arise from time to time, we have grown together really well as a team and are happy to be on this path of founding the birth center together.
At this point we would like to thank all the people who support, encourage and cheer us on so actively. It is an incredibly good feeling to have this support. You are great!

We are planning to start the reconstruction of the area soon and are waiting for the next steps (painting the walls, choosing the furniture, building the nest!).
We will keep you up to date!